Category: Home Inspector

Termite Inspection

3 Reasons Your Old Home Needs a Termite Inspection

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As a homeowner, it’s essential to take care of your property and ensure that it remains safe and structurally sound. One often overlooked aspect of home maintenance is termite inspections. These tiny pests can wreak havoc on your home without you even realizing it. If you have an older home, it’s especially important to call […]

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Home Inspections

4 Things You Might Miss Without a Home Inspection

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Making the leap into homeownership is undeniably one of the most significant milestones in life. For first-time homebuyers, the process can be a rollercoaster of excitement, stress, and, most importantly, a learning experience. While searching for the perfect abode often leads to many stunning prospects, the charming facade might just be that — a facade. […]

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Residential Inspections

4 Reasons Your Home is Hard to Sell

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Selling your home can be a daunting task, and sometimes, it can take longer than you expected, even in this active economy. There are many reasons a home can languish on the market for months or even years, leading to frustration for the homeowner. However, rather than simply giving up, it is important to identify […]

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Sewer Line Inspection

Why Are Sewer Pipes Underground?

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Have you ever wondered why we put our sewer pipes in the ground? This is often a question that comes up for homebuyers who are looking to purchase an older home with a septic. So, Residential Inspector of America is here to explain some of the main reasons our sewers run underground.

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Spa & Pool Inspection

5 Questions to Ask When Buying a Home with a Pool

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Buying a home with a pool in Georgia can be an exciting investment for you and your family. A pool can provide endless hours of fun and relaxation, but it has its fair share of responsibility. As a homeowner, it’s your responsibility to maintain your pool and ensure it’s safe for your family and guests. […]

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Stucco Inspector

3 FAQs about Stucco

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Are you planning to give your home a makeover? Do you want to improve your home’s exterior aesthetics? If so, then stucco is a great option to consider. It’s a popular exterior finish that comes in different types to fit different needs, and it provides an attractive and durable finish for your home. However, if […]

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Sewer Line Inspection

The Importance of Getting a Sewer Scope Inspection

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As a homeowner, you may be aware of the various inspections, maintenance, and repairs that are needed to keep your home in good condition. However, one area that is often overlooked is the sewer system. This is a crucial component of your home’s plumbing, and neglecting it could lead to serious issues down the road. […]

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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Foundation Issues in Your Home

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When it comes to home maintenance and repairs, many homeowners focus on the aesthetics of their property and overlook the importance of foundation issues. While taking care of landscaping and interior structures is important, ignoring foundation problems can cause major headaches down the road. So, Residential Inspector of America walks you through why you shouldn’t […]

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New Home Tips

How to Get Your New House Ready to Live In

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Buying a new house is exciting, and Residential Inspector of America is happy about your new adventure! Now it’s time to get to work and make it feel like home. But where do you start? There are so many rooms and so much to do! Don’t worry, we’re here to help. With our inspection report […]

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New Construction Inspector

3 Common Mistakes Found During Pre-Drywall Inspections

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Pre-drywall inspections by Residential Inspector of America are an important part of the building process. A pre-drywall inspection is a visual review of the framing, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical systems to make sure that everything is up to code before drywall is installed. Still, mistakes happen, and these are the three most common mistakes we […]

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American Society of Home Inspectors
International Code Council
American Home Inspection Training
Moisture Free Warranty

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