Say ‘THANK YOU’ with Oktoberfest Jacksonville!

What’s the easiest way for you to say ‘Thank You’ to your favorite friends, customers, builders and affiliates in Jacksonville? Invite them to attend Oktoberfest Jacksonville for FREE on Friday Oct 12th!

It came to me in a vision. The answer to the marketing question that has perplexed real estate professionals since The Flintstones bought their first home in Bedrock… How could you bring the best and brightest builders, Realtors and affiliates together with 10,000 potential home-buyers in a single venue for a live business development event? The vision became clear  the answer was beer!

Research reveals an interesting intersection between the early development of beer and the evolution of the modern real estate agent. In ancient Mesopotamia, clay tablets indicate that brewing was a well-respected occupation and that the majority of brewers were women. A coincidence?… I think not!

Oktoberfest Jacksonville is being presented by Anheuser-Busch and Client Focused Media — the people who also bring you Jacksonville’s BUZZ Magazine. Those folks know a thing or two about putting on a party! To ensure the freshest beer available on earth and that there is NO chance of running out of beer, the event is being held at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery!

Oktoberfest Jacksonville is bringing together the best of Bavaria – from beer and brats to chicken dances and polkas. This brew-centric fall celebration promises plenty of beer, hearty German cuisine, a variety of entertainment on multiple stages, and family friendly fun for all ages!

You and your friends are invited as special guests of Residential Inspector of America to attend the Oktoberfest kick off Friday October 12th for Realtor-Builder Appreciation Night, from 5:30-6:30PM.  Thousands more members of the Jacksonville business community from all over the region will also be joining us for all the festivities at The Anheuser-Bush Brewery!  This is truly the place to BE and to BE SEEN!

The party will continue until 11:30PM on Friday night and start up again on Saturday from 11:30AM-11:30PM, with special events just for children from 11AM-5PM at the “Kinderfest.” So come early, come often, and bring lots of friends!

Residential Inspector of America is proud to support the Oktoberfest Jacksonville event by sponsoring Realtor-Builder Appreciation Night at Oktoberfest on Friday night October 12th 5:30-6:30PM, as well as providing YOU and your guests with complimentary tickets! Download your FREE Friday night tickets, compliments of Residential Inspector of America by using offer code “RIA” at!
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